
FARM-3D: Revolutionizing the operational maintenance of equipment

FARM-3D: Revolutionizing the operational maintenance of equipment

Presence at AM Village and HELPED

Published on 2024/07/04, 3 min to read

Jessica Maciejewski

Written by Jessica Maciejewski

FARM-3D: Revolutionizing the operational maintenance of equipment

At the AM Village event in Tournai and Eurosatory, we had the pleasure of collaborating with our sister company, FARM-3D. We are delighted to highlight them this month.

Discussions with Madame Ludivine Dedonder, Belgian Minister of Defense, at the AM Village 2024 Exhibition in Tournai

Interview with Christophe Raillon, Co-founder and CEO of Farm-3D

Who are you, Christophe Raillon? I am the co-founder and CEO of Farm-3D. After more than 20 years in large international companies, I initiated collaborative enterprise projects and explored new DIY and Maker community challenges at Leroy Merlin France, then within the executive committee of Les Ateliers Leroy Merlin. Immersed in additive manufacturing since 2014, I am primarily a specialist in Fablabs, 3.0 digital workshops, and shared innovation through the opening of collaborative workshops like TechShop in France, as well as directing the American Maker Faire license, producing the largest innovation and creativity festivals in France.

I also had the pleasure of joining the Constructions-3D team a few months ago as marketing director. Indeed, Antoine Motte, co-founder of Farm-3D and president of Constructions-3D, and I share many values and a common vision of the need to democratize digital manufacturing tools. But our two companies do not just share a common vision; we strive to share the skills and expertise of our multidisciplinary teams, experienced in Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing.

The mission of Farm-3D

The mission of Farm-3D (Fabricate, Equip, Repair in Mobility) is to support the resilience of communities and isolated installations by deploying industrial-standard additive manufacturing capabilities. We aim to assist isolated populations and industries by addressing their maintenance and security challenges.

A shared vision for the future

We are working to offer a deployable additive manufacturing capability to industrial standards to meet the maintenance challenges of critical activities while democratizing access to digital manufacturing technology. By doing so, we aspire to break technological barriers in extreme or disadvantaged conditions, enabling innovation and strengthening the resilience of isolated or troubled communities.

Democratizing access to this technology also means promoting autonomy, innovation, and resilience in hard-to-reach regions. It allows local communities to solve their problems with appropriate solutions, encourages local innovation, and reduces dependence on external resources.

Farm-3D: Serving the MRO of Critical Activities (Maintenance in Operational Condition)

Our innovative solutions are specifically designed to address the unique challenges of MRO for the Armed Forces in the field, providing them with the necessary tools for rapid repair of engaged equipment.

Enhancing Operational Readiness in the Field

Our solutions are also relevant in humanitarian and industrial sectors where logistical support and equipment operationality are crucial.

Enhancing Operational Readiness in the Field

Maintenance logistics must manage a complex array of components within a demanding supply chain. Our mobile digital additive manufacturing workshops are designed to meet these needs. Mobile and lightweight, they can be easily deployed on various terrains, even in contexts where infrastructures are damaged or nonexistent. They enable ongoing operations by manufacturing components on demand, thereby ensuring the continuity of relief missions.

Farm-3D Product Range

Our main products are the Mobile Digital Workshops FACTORY 14” and 20”, true micro-factories designed for industrial production and high-quality repairs, as well as a 3D Printing Farm and a Field Fablab.

Farm-3D is committed to a future where every community, regardless of location or environmental challenges, can benefit from advanced technologies to enhance the resilience of its facilities and quality of life. By combining industrial standards with our additive manufacturing solutions, we aim to transform the Defense, Humanitarian, and Industrial sectors by delivering high-quality solutions where they are most needed.

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